Werner Sasse Professor Emeritus of Korean Studies, Universitaet Hamburg / Germany
Being the first Dr.phil. holder in the newly established Korean Studies program at Bochum, I continued teaching Korean Studies in the German traditional understanding, that is, as a branch of philology. Concentrating on Middle and Old Korean languages I tried to connect Korean with Altaic language family studies. Later I turned to general culture studies, working on selected problems in historical, ethnological, and traditional poetic literature, with the aim of finding reference frames beyond the traditional borders of academic disciplines. Living in Korea since my retirement 2006, I am now fascinated by the re-invention of “traditional Korea,” where people living in cities and working in an industrial and IT-centered world give new meanings to traditions rooted in ca. 2000 years of agricultural society and that were then almost completely lost during the rapid economic development and urbanization process.
My main projects at the moment are translating Nongga-weollyeong-ga and Dongguk-sesi-gi as well as writing an essay book about selected areas of modern Korean culture.
1. Das Glossar Koryǒ-pangǒn im Kyerim-yusa. Studien zur Entschlüsselung eines Glossars mittelkoreanischer Wörter. Veröffentlichungen des Ostasien-Instituts der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bd. 18, Wiesbaden: 1976, V, 155 p. (Dissertationsschrift) 2. Einführung in die koreanische Schriftsprache. Koreanisch II, Heilbronn: 1985, 280 p. 3. Studien zur Entzifferung der Schrift altkoreanischer Dichtung.
4. (co-author An Jung-Hee) Der Mond gespiegelt in tausend Flüssen, Seoul 2002, 488+18 p. Ca. 60 scholarly articles, published notes, essays, and conference papers